
Members Property


set the members of <group> to
<object reference> [& return & <object reference> [& return & <object reference>] [...]] Applies to groups


The members property determines which objects are contained by a particular group object. The value of the members property is a return-delimited list of references to each object contained by the group. The following is a legal use of the members property: Because the list you specified was return delimited, you cannot get the full list returned to the Message Box. To get the values of a group with more than one member, create a field named "container" and type the following into the Message Box: put the members of grp 1 into fld "container" You can also set the members property to a return-delimited list of object references contained in another object, or in a variable. For example: set the members of group id 1 to field 3 set the members of group id 1 to myGroup


You must set the members property to a reference of an object; otherwise Oracle Media Objects assumes that you wish to set the value of the members property to the data contained within the object. For instance, the following statement results in an "Object has no data" error message:. set the members of group id 1 to button 1
This text has been mechanically extracted from the Oracle Media Objects MediaTalk Reference, © 1995 Oracle Corporation, and is provided here solely for educational/historical purposes.